About Us

Hello and welcome to our Online Store!

Myself (Darren) and my girlfriend Ciara established this business venture in January 2021 following months of practice and research within the craft of candle making.

Darren has 14 years experience in the retail sector and is currently in his final year of college studying Retail Management. Ciara has 5 years experience in Retail and has recently become a department manager in a busy Clothing Store. 

Both in our mid-twenties, we were looking for a hobby which we could do in our spare time, away from our busy work schedules in the retail industry. We both have a natural love for craft making and during the numerous lockdowns of 2020, we decided to delve into the craft of candle and wax melt making!

This opened up a whole new world for us and it is something we really enjoy doing together and something that we have put countless hours of love and attention into.

All our products are 100% homemade using natural products such as soy wax and our packaging is all eco-friendly and cruelty free. 

We hope that you love our products as much as we love making them and we hope you can find something which takes your fancy on our store!

Throughout the coming months, we will be introducing lots of new products on a phased basis which will all be advertised on our social media platforms and which can all be purchased from our online store or in person!

Thank you for visiting our page and we will hopefully build a long lasting loyal relationship together through our business venture!


Ciara & Darren